Episode #43 Indie Comics w/ 'Skooba' Steve Myers

What is it like in the world of indie comics? How do you find work as a freelance artist in indie comics? What are the advantages of using the new platforms like webtoons? How has self publishing changed the comics industry? How much do indie comic creators make?

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This week we are talking to

‘Skooba’ Steve Myers

'Skooba' Steve Myers is a professional comic and freelance artist. His work in the industry includes being the penciller for the Battle for Ozellberg mini-series, currently the line artist for the Zaidura Chronicles webtoons series, as well as guest artist on comics like Bardok The Wanderer. He's done various freelance projects, specializing in DnD character designs and working on various indie game projects, as well as teaching art on Youtube and Twitch.






