Episode #35 What Really Matters and How to Get It w/ Allie Briggs

Episode #35 What Really Matters and How to Get It w/ Allie Briggs
Art Condition

How can you know what will really make you happy as an artist? How do you go after it with all your passion and dedication? How do you stay creative when you have to earn money with your art? How does mentoring others make you a better artist? What makes a good mentor? IS there a link between creativity and depression? How can we find help and guidance to heal trauma?

Allie is a freelance fantasy artist located in the North East coast of the US. Growing up in a small wooded kingdom between the great cranberry dunes and the deep thorny swamps, the wonder of adventure and the magic of the every day discovery replaced the blood in her veins. The seeds planted in those young years grew into the heroes and dragons that are created today. Her journey followed an academic path, shortly pursuing a graphic design career in college till the call for whimsy pulled her back, graduating with a BFA in illustration. Continuing along a conventional corporate route, she entered unrelated fields of work for five years. Her art hibernated. At the end of 2017, that all changed. The beast was woken from it's slumber, and the path of freelance illustration began. Since then she has traversed a different road; brushing of rust, attuning, discovering, relearning, and unapologetically telling nerdy and fantastical stories.

Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/alliebriggsart

Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/alliebriggsart/

Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5IU0l5XeX5o0r1FKGPErxA

Twitter - https://twitter.com/AllieBriggsArt

Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/alliebriggsart

Other points of interest from our conversation:

Graphic Artists Guild Handbook